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US companies complain about their relations with government all the time, too! There’s an old saying among economists that “government should steer, not row.” It means that although government can offer overalldirections, including regulations and taxes, businesses need to be the ones that run the specific details of their own operations. If government is trying to get involved in details, sometimes all a business can do is try to limit itsinvolvement and draw back from a certain project or product.
But what I admire most are those people running smaller companies and trying something really different. Only a few of them will succeed in a bigway, but the jobs they create, and the knowledge and experience they build, is so important in keeping the economy moving forward. As one example, a few months ago I met the founder of Emotech, a company which is working on the human-robot interface, trying to create robotic personal assistants which show emotion in a physical way, with motion and lights. On future visits to China, I hope to meet some people running smaller and medium-sized businesses, not just the well-known giant firms.